Why go with Tucson LD Tutors?
The choice to go with a private tutor instead of one of the major learning centers can be a daunting one.
Here is why you should choose our tutors. 1) The majority of your payment to a major learning center goes to overhead, not tutors! - The average hourly rate charged to parents at major learning centers in Tucson is $55 per hour. - The average hourly rate paid to tutors at major learning centers in Tucson is $15 per hour. 2) You pay extra for assessments. With us, they are part of the hourly rate. - One major learning center here in Tucson asks for $95 per assessment ON TOP of their hourly fees! 3) At $15 per hour going to your tutor, YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE BEST TUTORS. - Odds are, your child will be working with a college student or someone with a BA in an unrelated subject. - Those tutors are not paid for continuing education - nor do they receive any continuing education! 4) Our tutors go through extensive training and continuing education EVERY YEAR. - Our training is approved by the National Tutoring Association. Major learning centers all over Southern Arizona have attempted to recruit our tutors for the last 12 years! Hire the best. Book your son or daughter with Tucson LD Tutors today! |